我正好去大學借出一套中文CD 就放給他聽
Simon & Schuster's Pimsleur
Mandarin Chinese I
對不起! I'm sorry
dui4 bu4 qi3
請問 你 會說 英文嗎? (Please let me ask )Can you speak English?
Qing3 wen4 ni3 hui4 shuo Yingwen2 ma?
(我) 不會 (說 英文). I can not speak English
[Wo3 bu4 hui4 shuo Yingwen2]
你會說中文嗎? Can you speak Chinese?
ni2 hui4 shuo Zhongwen2 ma?
我會說一點兒普通話 I can speak a little bite of Chinese
Wo3 hui4 shuo yi dian3 er
你是美國人嗎? Are you an American?
Ni3 shi4 Mei3 guo2 ren2 ma?
我 是美國人 I'm an American.
Wo3 shi4 Mei3 guo2 ren2
我 (普通話) 說的 不好
wo3___shuo de bu4 hao3
你好! (You be well) Hello!
[ni3 hao3]
你好嗎? How you been.
[ni3 hao3 ma]
很好! 謝謝! Very well, thanks.
hen3 hao3 xie4 xie4
我 不會 說普通話 I cannot speak Mandarin Chinese.
wo3 bu4 hui4 shuo pu3 tong hua4
我 (只)會 說 一點兒 普通話
wo3 zh3 hui4 shuo yi dian3 er pu3 tong hua4
I (only) can speak a little .
Lesson 2
請問 您 貴姓? What's your surname?
[qing3 wen4 nin2 qui4 xing4]
你呢? 請問你叫甚麼名字? what's your name?
[ni2 ne? qing3 wen4 ni3 jiao4 shen2me ming2zi4?]
您 is the polite form of the pronoun for the second person singular 你.
It is address one's elders or those with a higher social status.
For example:
Situation: A teacher and a student
student: 林老師, 您好! How are you, Teacher Lin.
[lin2 lao3 shi, nin2 hao3]
Teacher: 你好! How are you?
[ni3 hao3]
Situation: A & B are about the same age, and this is their first meeting.
A:您好! Hi! or How are you?
[nin2 hao3]
B.您好! Hi! or How are you?
[nin2 hao3]
我姓李,我的英文名字是 Jonathson Lee, 中文名字是強納森
wo3 xing4 li3, wo3 de yingwen2 mingzi4 shi.....
zhong wen2 ming2 zi4 shi4 ......
我 叫 Mary 我 的 英文 名字 是 Mary Lin.
wo3 jiao4 Mary wo3 de ying wen2 ming2zi4 shi4 Mary Lin.
她 呢? 她 是 誰?
ta ne? Ta shi shei2
她 是 我 的 同學 于 英
Ta shi wo3 de tong2 xue2 Yu Ying.
Lesson 3
你是哪國人? Which country are you from?
What's your nationality?
[ni2 shi4 na3 guo2 ren2]
我是美國人 I'm American.
[wo3 shi4 mei3guo2ren2]
你會說中文嗎? Can you speak Chinese?
[ni2 hui4 sguo Zhongwen2 ma?]
wo3 shi mei3guo2ren2